Augusto Conconi

Data and Computational Journalist

O Estado de S. Paulo2021

Bolsonaro's gatherings during the pandemic

● Abstract

Ignoring Covid and health guidelines, the president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, promoted gatherings with supporters. This article analyzed over 20,000 photos scraped from the government’s official profile tracking the president’s events over a year.


During 2020, the president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, came under the spotlight as Covid-19 pandemic denier and promoter public gatherings with supporters while cases and deaths were rising daily.

In response, the Senate opened an investigation to look into possible failures and omissions by the Federal Government and asked the Presidency for Bolsonaro's travels records in the capital of Brazil, Brasília, and area.

The press widely reported the gatherings, and Bolsonaro himself published photos and videos of the events on his social media.

Nevertheless, the government stated that "no official records of travels were identified". That's how the idea for the article was born.

Although the president considers social networks as official platforms, I looked for something more "institutional".

Browsing the Presidency's communication website, I found a link to Presidential Flickr profile — a professional photo platform — which recorded all the events of Bolsonaro and his predecessors.

The logic was: if the presidency photographer was present — and the government published the photos albums, it could be considered an official event.

I made a scraper using Node.JS to capture all the albums published between January 20, 2020, and May 20, 2021, which resulted in 584 albums with more than 20,00020 thousands photos.

Raw data

Table with partial data from Flickr

Interact with the table

1621592561-556 Reunião com Marcelo Augusto Xavier da Silva, Presidente da Fundação Nacional do Índio - FUNAIBrasíliaDF20/01/2020Reunião com Marcelo Augusto Xavier da Silva, Presidente da Fundação Nacional do Índio - FUNAI.1 foto
1621594413-893 Reunião com Ministro do MCTICBrasíliaDF11/02/2020Presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro durante reunião com Marcos Pontes, Ministro de Estado da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovações e Comunicações.Carolina Antunes/PR
1621594417-894 Assinatura do decreto que dispõe sobre o Conselho Nacional da Amazônia LegalBrasíliaDF11/02/2020Presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro durante Cerimônia de assinatura do decreto que dispõe sobre o Conselho Nacional da Amazônia Legal.Alan Santos e Carolina Antunes/PR70 fotos
1621594428-898 Solenidade do Programa Lixão Zero da Agenda Nacional de Qualidade Ambiental UrbanaBrasíliaDF12/02/2020Presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro durante Solenidade do Programa Lixão Zero da Agenda Nacional de Qualidade Ambiental Urbana.Carolina Antunes/PR
1621594422-896 Audiência com Ministro da SEGOV e o Reitor da Fundação Universidade de Caxias do SulBrasíliaDF12/02/2020Audiência com Luiz Eduardo Ramos, Ministro-Chefe da Secretaria de Governo da Presidência da República e Evaldo Antônio, Reitor da Fundação Universidade de Caxias do Sul.Marcos Corrêa/PR
...The table contains more rows but was reduced just for demonstration

I grouped the events using keywords from album titles and descriptions to facilitate data processing. This resulted in 20 categories.

LunchPresentationAudienceBreakfastCeremonyPress ConferenceReligious CultTravelEncounterInterviewInaugurationDinnerCrowdUnscheduled eventInductionAnnouncementMeetingVideoconferenceVisitN/A

The hard part would come next: the goal of the article was to count Bolsonaro's events and gatherings caused by the president. We defined an agglomeration as when five or more people are in an open or closed place without respecting the social distance -- two meters (six feet) at the time. But how to analyze more than 500 image albums?

The ideal would be to automate the analysis, but the article was time-sensitive, so I chose to analyze all the albums manually. In compensation, this exhaustive process opened up room for new data.

I was able to classify if the president was wearing a mask, and even contextualize if the events had military participation - Bolsonaro is criticized for his proximity and the high number of the Armed Forces personnel in the government.

The categorization found 459 relevant events — filtered since the first day with a confirmed case of Covid-19 in Brazil. To add more value to the analysis, we have appended the numbers of cases and deaths to the spreadsheet.

The table below has the latitude and longitude of selected events, if Bolsonaro used a mask, if there was agglomerationNome Sobrenome/ASCOM

Final spreadsheet

The table below has the latitude and longitude of selected events, if Bolsonaro used a mask, if there was agglomeration and if the event was military

Interact with the table

1621594565-948 Cerimônia de descerramento de placa comemorativa da visitaJacksonvilleFL/EUA10/03/2020Presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro durante descerramento de placa comemorativa da visita à fábrica da EMBRAER.VisitaVisitaAlan Santos/PRNão00
1621594558-945 Chegada a JacksonvilleJacksonvilleFL/EUA10/03/2020Chegada a Jacksonville.ViagemEmbarque/DesembarqueAlan Santos e Valdenio Vieira/PR15 fotosNão[ -81.6901255, 30.4940713]00
1621594560-946 Reunião com representantes da EMBRAERJacksonvilleFL/EUA10/03/2020Presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro durante reunião com representantes da EMBRAER.ReuniãoReuniãoAlan Santos/PR6 fotosNão00
1621594567-949 Partida de Jacksonville para Boa Vista/RRJacksonvilleFL/EUA10/03/2020Presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro durante partida de Jacksonville/FL/EUA para Boa Vista/RR.ViagemEmbarque/DesembarqueAlan Santos/PR8 fotosSimNão00
1621594562-947 Visita à fábrica da EMBRAERJacksonvilleFL/EUA10/03/2020Presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro durante visita.VisitaVisitaAlan Santos/PR7 fotosNão00
...The table contains more rows but was reduced just for demonstration


The article was published in digital and printed formats. For the digital version, my editor, Carlos Marin, and I opted for scrollytelling with Mapbox.

In the second part of the piece, the deeper analytical content comes in, with a summary of all Bolsonaro's visits and his growing presence at military events. In this section, there were four graphics, two made via Datawrapper and the others with HTML + CSS by Carlos Marin.


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